Benvenuti, Bienvenue, Bienvenida, Hos geldin, مرحبا بكم, ברוכים הבאים, Welcome!

Hi there,

Welcome to my little corner of the planet. It may change physically, but my life is always evolving and things are always happening; sometimes hysterical, sometimes heart-wrenching, but never, ever dull. Masallah!

Nicole Silverman, Zazoo's Mama

Friday, August 31, 2012

"Mommy, Mommy, Timmy fell down the well!" or...

...Mr. Zazoo saves the day!

It was dinner time. I was preparing the kids' dinner while they waited patiently on the deck. All of a sudden Zazoo started barking crazy barks.  Not the Afghan-barking-tourture every 10 seconds, but wild, erratic like "Mommy, that damn ililiShit!'s being bad" bark. So, I ran up the spiral staircase as quickly as I could without breaking my neck to see Zazoo's ears out of his shmatah and jumping and barking frantically.  What now, Lassie?

No sign of ililiShit! so I ran toward the deck.  Not there. I heard a high pitched chirping/squeaking sound and thought, "Oh, not again," as I ran down the stairs toward her. She totally ignored me and poked something with her nose.  It was a baby squirrel.  He was alive, thank God, and screamed to his mama.  It was quite windy, so he probably was knocked out of his tree nest.  Poor thing.  I put the bitch safely away, grabbed a pair of latex gloves and a clean towel. The poor thing was almost in shock and he didn't move.  But his eyes were open.  I whispered as I gingerly picked him up. He didn't resist. I wrapped him loosely in the towel and put him to my bosom as I talked and made some silly little noises that I thought would comfort him.  He believed he was safe and he let me touch him so I looked him over.  No bites, no bugs.  Good.  He was just shook up. I would be too if I feel out of my penthouse flat onto a hard surface and then some floppy yellow giant with an ice cold nose started poking at me.

OK, now what?  I was so shook up and happy and frightened but I didn't know what to do. With Rocky in my bosom,  I walked over to the lady with the baby bunny incident and called Papa at the same time. He said the mama is looking for him and to get back there. He was right. Mama called and chirped for him but she wouldn't come down the fence. I had to get plan B.  Daylight faded quickly.  She said to contact wildlife rescue.  So I did.  I had a number in my phone but that woman said she couldn't take him.  A few others said the same thing. They all said to put him where the mama could see him but the hawk circled and squealed. I didn't want to leave him. I finally got someone who was kind enough to stop in with baby squirrel formula and feed him.  She told me Rocky was 6-7 weeks old and should go back to his mama.  I had quickly read up on baby squirrels without mamas so I made a hot water bottle to keep him warm, in a towel in a box with some walnuts in a warm bathroom overnight.  The plan: put him in the tree at dawn.  Keep little shit away from Rocky. She paced on the window ledge licking her chops.

As I closed my eyes and put my head on the pillow, I recounted my day and I felt good that I helped Rocky.  He was a sweet little guy and so friendly. I had pet him without gloves after the volunteer had held him in her hands. His fur was soft and he was a delicate little thing. I was so careful with him and didn't let his sharp, pointy claws get stuck in the towel because I read they can break a leg trying to get un-snagged. He let me hold him and I put him on my chest and I swear he was purring. There was a part of me that wanted to keep him and help him but I knew he belonged with another squirrel, not a squirrelly lady with two always-hungry-for-critters Afghan Hounds.

As soon as I opened my eyes in the morning, I saw mama squirrel as she came down the fence again to where I had placed him. I took him outside and climbed a ladder and put him in the fork of the tree.  He came back toward me.  So sad. I told him to find his nest and mama. I put him on the tree in a vertical position so he had to hold on and he climbed up, up, up, very quickly and precisely.  Hooray! He was going home.

All the dogs were kept indoors all day and I listened and looked to see if he was rejected, fell out or decided to run away from home again.  No sign of him.  Good. Or is it?

I hope he comes back to visit me one day.  Hats off to Rocky!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Houdini is getting a run for his money or...'s ilili's turn to be naughty.

Guess who slipped through the gate?

I was downstairs making coffee one morning and I saw movement outside in my perriferal vision. Lordy, it was ililiSit! rooting around in the lawn. Soaking wet. What the ??? So I went out and she was thrilled to see me; her back end wiggling with her tail flapping wildly. Except there was a huge 3 foot length of rose bush pulling her back legs and butt together. I laughed at her and pulled the prickers off her. I brought her inside to snap this pic.

Turns out she bore a hole thru the netting of the soft gate, scampered down to the waters' edge where I had trimmed back the rose bush but not collected the cutoffs and either chased a goose into the drink, fell in, or rolled around the dewy grass. This Mötley little girl is going to drive me to drink. and they think SophieNo! is precocious.

So guess who had a shower with me that morning???

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photo Book

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Be careful what you wish for...

...or a how to divert a morning of disaster.

Lately, there have been way too many Afghan Hounds and sight hounds running away and staying away in this great big nation of ours. Facebook is the perfect medium to spread the word. But to an anxious Afghan Mama of two, it's made me even more apprehensive. And anxious. So anxious that I've recently purchased a gps tracking collar for each Mötley Monkey.

They were charged up, activated and placed on their collars yesterday morning. When Zaz and I marched, it sent me an SMS stating he left the home zone. Cool.

We have had record-breaking mild weather this Winter. Man, Mother Nature heard my prayers. Finally. A wet snow day in October then another of about an inch that melted the same day in January. Blessed.

It's been really warm. So warm that daffodils and crocus are everywhere. A fog rolled in over the water at dusk so I knew we were in for some weather. Sweet Lucile texted a weather update. Colder, rain, possible thunder and high winds. I do love a good thunder and lightening storm and I love to hear the wind howl. The drama of it makes me feel alive and invigorated.

Ok. So the winds came and are still here this morning. Bright and sunny but windy! Love it. Looking forward to the march with Zazoo.

As they finished dining, I have to shuffle them around make my life easier. I put ililiSit! on the deck and prepared to saddled up the big guy. He barked frantically as he peered through the front glass door. It was the "get the hell off my property" bark. So I took a look and saw the back half of a big yellow dog in the hedges surrounding the stairs. It took a second was f ing ilili! She escaped. The first time in Premium Point, I thought. I put Zaz on the deck where i knew the table barricade was in place so he couldnt get down the stairs and grabbed her leash and the iPhone. I didn't have that sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Priceless. I knew I'd get her back safe and sound. She came to me straightaway but slipped through my hands! Tricky girl. She had a romp through the neighbour's properties, of which I had the opportunity to see close ups of their homes as I watched ililiScamper not sit, through the properties at this early morning, Saturday morning hour.

We are not very far from a main road this time so that's the primary reason for the gps purchase. I saddled her two houses away as she peered into their glassdoor and we returned home. The gps system didn't even activate coz we were so close to our house. Easy peasy.

The confidence I had in knowing she had the locator affixed to her collar made me not stress and catch her in a more relaxed way. God, life is good when I take precautions. Priceless.

And how did she get out? I walked the grounds and saw that a big trash bin that sits outside the wrought iron gate was blown by the wind into said heavy gate which opened enough for her to scamper. Ahh, the wind that I love. Tricky.

The items are from Cost for both and charger is 200 USD. Monthly gps fee is under 10 USD. Live stream tracking comes up on a map on any smart phone. SMS and emails sent as well.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

There seems to be an incredibly large amount of Afghans escaping or...

...the humans that care for them just aren't feeding them enough?

Via Facebook, I learn about lost domesticated animals.  Some local, some nation-wide.  Afghans are the nationwide ones & friends constantly post & ask for cross-posting of these beautiful but illusive silly, scared animals safe return.

My stomach turns each time I read about another lost one.  Mine have been easy to bring far.  But I got that strange, horrible feeling in the pit of my tummy after reading one of these postings this morning.  Time to do something.  Even though our posh new residence, Premium Point, is secluded from the outside world, we're only a block away from a busy main thoroughfare. Uff!  I can't even...ok, so what to do?

I asked Cesar Milan, but didn't get a reply. I also asked Afghan Hounds International & The Pedigree Database 

also known as the Afghan yentah hot line.  This was my post: 
I'm getting a bad feeling with all these Afghans taking a runner. I want to buy gps locators for mine so I'm not the next sorry MoFo posting about this. Question: What is the best system? I want to buy it today. If I can afford this expensive breed, then I sure as hell can afford a gps system to care for them. Thanks.
 I received over a hundred responses with only one, yes, one, reply to the question and it was this big, heavy collar with an antenna.  I can just picture my monkeys running around like "Lost in Space" or  Astro, "The Jetson's" dogs.  Oy vey.  I did manage to meet a lot of squirrel-y Afghan owners and was quite amused reading their comments.
Bottom line:  after some comprehensive research on my own, I purchased 2 collars, a white for Zazzy and a pink guessed it.  With all the other stuff that comes with it & a monthly charge so I can track & find them with my handy dandy iPhone.

They will be here in a few days & hopefully the Jewel will don the pink one & we can play "hide and go seek".

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What's wrong with this picture or....

...what did that damned ililiSit! Get up to now?

From years of traveling, I wash lingerie by hand, in the tub, as I wash myself. Time efficient. Conserves water. Saves the delicate fabric and elastic. So what I usually do is throw said lingerie into the tub when I peel it off at night and forget about it until it's washed In the morning with me.

Side note: since the spay/neuter drama, I've let ililiSit! have more freedom. Translation: she's giving her Facebook friend, SophieNo! a run for her money. First it was the commanda on Monday. Thank God they send a free replacement today.

And then today: When I walked into this kitchen this morning I saw something on the window seat. It wasn't a toy. It wasn't her because she was in her crate. Upon closer inspection I realised it was a brassiere. Mine! Damn her. And as I picked it up to bring it to the tub I noticed she really chewed it up. Little bitch. She even ripped it. It must have been fun and tasty coz it smelled like Mama.

Does anyone want an Afghan puppy, real cheap? In fact, I'll throw in some food, a crate, and many chewed items.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Never a dull moment or.... silly ilili scared the bejesus out of me yesterday.

I was upstairs talking to Papa via phone. She started to scream and I said bye to him as I almost killed myself going down the circular staircase. She screams sometimes when she hears me talking but this scream was different.

Relentless, heart-wrenching squeals at the top of her little lungs. I saw a leg sticking out limply from her crate. As I got closer, I realised she was stuck in the wiring of the crate by her bottom jaw. And still screaming. Her bottom k9's had prevented her from retracting her little mouth after she decided she couldn't bite the toggle open.

I tried to move her jaw around to remove it but to no avail. And she continued to scream. Talk about powerless? Shit, my baby is in trouble and I can't help her. Such a devastating feeling. One of the most horrible times in my recent life.

I sprinted next door, opened their door and yelled but no one was home. I could hear her screaming. It was Saturday afternoon and I guess everyone was out. In the three seconds I had to get back to my house, I prayed to the powers that be to help my little girl. I didn't hear her any more. Oh God, she passed out, I thought.

As I walked in, I saw she was free. She just sat there on her elbows. I opened the crate and she went into my open arms for a cuddle. Poor silly ilili!

All of her teeth were still intact but it looked like she was getting a fat lip. On closer inspection, she had a little abrasion under her chin which I cleansed with a peroxide soaked cotton pad.

I was more "shook up" than she. I called Papa back and told him what had transpired. "I hope she learned a lesson and won't try that again," was the only comment from the Sage. I hope so too. Poor ililiSit!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ilili is taking more than the spotlight away from Zazoo or...

..."Mommy, Mommy, look what I have!"

I just told Dominic two days ago that my kids have been good. Zaz hasn't killed anything in ages. And I felt like I wanted to suck it back in after I said it.

We had just done our dinner walk and I let him off the leash in the garden, noticing no critters on the ground. I went in to get mini-monkey and as we came through the door Zazoo was sitting in an odd place for him. I noticed something grey between his legs. Another friend of Bullwinkles. Dammit.

I dropped ilili's leash and went to the barn for a shovel. I know the drill. Zaz was throwing Rockie in the air and apparently she caught it for she raced around the garden with Rockie in her little mouth and Zazoo at her heels.

She wouldn't drop him so I turned on the faucet and grabbed the hose. Worked like a charm; she dropped it and I washed her down. I tied her to the picket fence so she couldn't get Rockie and I disposed of the poor creature.

Upstairs I had no mercy for her while I used the hair dryer without diffuser to dry her expediently. I didn't want her to catch her death. But let's see if she gets worms.

Oh, a mama's work is never done.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is God trying to teach me or...


From an email to my friend Dianne in NY,

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Zazoo's Mama wrote:

> This was written yesterday afternoon as I sat at the Marmara pool for a few hours. I had a great burger and had a chance to relax before a hamam scrub.
> > What's the lesson/s?
> >
> > I had a hot, damp, mosquito-chomping summer in Orienta. Repetitive, monotonous. Not making money didn't help. Lots of work with two dogs and a house and yard to keep clean.
> >
> > Meetings weren't doing it. I tried to connect with the women. Some are nice; others cold as ice. No wonder most of them are alone.
> >
> > My sweetie in Ist is in my heart but a million miles away.
> >
> > Zazoo killed many creatures and it's hard to deal with. He also thinks small cars on tight, narrow streets have to be lunged at and barked at. The dog commander helped a bit but...a lot of stress.
> >
> > No real friends. I feel like I'm settling. My happy, silly self has gone on vacation without me.
> >
> > Stomach has been upset for weeks. I think I'm eating right, taking supplements, some yoga and stressful dog walks. Monotony. Finally saw a doctor who ordered three vials of blood drawn and said it sounds like I'm depressed. I say no but I'm truly overwhelmed and unhappy. So I started Prozac last weekend. Let's see what happens. It can only get better.
> >
> > I try to keep a positive outlook. I'm telling others to look for the bright side and I can't stand their constant complaints. It's contagious. They should be shot.
> >
> > So my whiney long-time friend decides to fly with me to Ist. After she bought the ticket, she regretted it and whined. And whined. I should have told her to stay home. I thought it would be good for her because she was so miserable and needed it.
> Do I think I'm God? 
> > She's manic. One minute happy, the next, miserable. I can't be around it. Toxic. Every event was a big drama to her and she whined. And said she was going to leave. One day it was the Turkish beach, but no one wanted to see here there. Another day it was Paris. Another day London, then Dubai, then beirut, then Spain. Oy vey. And then she had a clown look on her face and told me she was happy. She was trying ro convince herself. 
> >
> > We spent way too much time looking for and obtaining housing coz she doesn't think she deserves the best and she's cheap. I'm on a limited budget but I can usually be happy anywhere. And she complained about everything during manic episodes.  Her dad told her not to worry about spending money. He was covering it. But still so cheap. I wish I had a credit card that worked. I would have left her where she was the first night.
> >
> > The man of my dreams was called out of town on assignment and he won't turn back till the weekend. I was looking forward to being with him, not her. God, I miss him. I was looking forward to his warmth and smile. And feeling his arms around me.
> >
> > The dog sitter quit after a few days. The replacement is having a difficult time. I'm neglecting my pets. I'm on the morning flight.
> >
> > I got no work done. I don't know what happened. People flaked. I was in no mood to shoot anything for docu. One dear friend spent an afternoon with me. That was grand. It was great to see how he has grown into a responsible, important man.
> >
> > I can't feel sorry for myself. Not my style. So...
> >
> > What have I learned?  Never travel with anyone who's unstable. Or crazier than I am. Why was I so insecure about going to see my sweetie? I should go alone, as much as it sounds like it sucks, because I've done it before and liked it. And ask God to help when credit cards can't.
> >
> > Self- reliance has to be dug out of the closet. I had wanted ro go much earlier but didn't have the resources. Perseverance has to be relied upon until I get my wishes. God listens. As you will see.
> This update is after relaxing yet invigorating hamam. I'm on the plane now.  I felt good as the brisk night air engulfed my tingling face as I emerged from the hotel into the teeming street.   I felt better already and I realized I was walking taller and had the bounce back in my step. I let go of the fact that I wasn't going to see my sweetie. God, I missed him. And I missed Zazoo.
> It would have been selfish to stay and wait. I had to get back to care for my children.
> I didn't have much time to get souvenirs and a pair of Mavi jeans. These Turkish jeans have the best fit ever. I also bought a couple of pastries for later.
> When I got to the flat, some Lebanese girls were waiting for the capogi, a doorman of sorts, to let them in. I had to speak to him about arranging a taxi to the airport. I thought I would wait on the street and look into all the bars and cafes that lined this pedestrian-only street with tables and chairs. I wandered back and all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I see the side and back of this guy walking away from me, about 15 feet from me.
> "Hey!" then, "Mustafa!" It wasn't a dream. He turned. It was him! Like a dream. Yes, just like a dream.  We ran into each others arms just like in the movies. Such a warm embrace. Such smiling eyes.
> He explained that when he received my SMS about having to turn back to NY, he left the location to come back to Istanbul to see me, however briefly. His phone isn't open for any international service so he couldn't call or SMS me. He was on his way home to email and Facebook message me. God is good. Allah aukbar! We had a great time visiting for a couple of hours in an outdoor cafe. We caught up on each others lives, our friends lives, what the future may hold and laughed. It felt good. I hadn't laughed since the first day in Istanbul because Madama Contrario had too many episodes. I must pray that she gets to a shrink.
> Ok, so back to the title. Patience, let go and let God. It was meant to be this way. And I should remember this for the next situation which are the dogs.
> Just before the gorgeous Mustafa appeared, the new dog sitter texted me about a police notice that someone had complained about the dogs barking. She wanted to go down to the police station but I told her to stay put. Uff. I get anxious just thinking about this. It will be ok. The dogs will be ok. I will be ok. God watches over me. And them. God is good.
> >
> Eta JFK one hour. I have Mustafa in my heart and soon my babies in my arms.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I know recall how tough life can be in a third world, emerging country or... it ao bad to live in NY and count my blessings? The search goes on. Here's a copy of an email send to my NY friend just now.

Hi Dianne,

I had a good flight. Some turbulence on the ground for housing but we found a reasonable place in the center. It was a block away from a club so it was noisy all night. Could hear a pin drop In the daytime but...

Between an oil delivery at one AM, constant scooters ripping past, drink men yelling in the street and street dogs woofing occasionally at ignorant passers-by, I think I had three hours sleep.

After two sleepless nights, our reservation for flat rental was ready. The guy was unreliable with timing and when we finally arrived at the appointed time, it was not to our liking. At all. Dark, dingy, dirty area to say the least.

We had looked at another flat that was also totally misrepresented. Hotel rates have sky-rocketed 35% in the last year in Istanbul and the locals are trying to jump on the booming economic bandwagon.

Back to the drawing boards to find a place to stay. We stumbled upon a new hotel that was really lovely but pricey. After a discussion with the manager, he told us about some apart/hotels they owned. So we schlepped with the pudgy doorman to see a couple of them. Brand new, clean, elegant. Nice. So we schlepped back to discuss price. A deal was made. Then we schlepped back to the first hotel with Mr. Pudge, who was gentle, filled a taxi with all the bags and all of us and drove through the tiny congested streets to the new spot. Except cars aren't allowed. Pedestrians only. So we schlepped, with poor Mr. Pudge huffing and puffing with the weight of the bags that weren't on wheels. Then we climbed up one flight to the elevator that took us to the third floor.

Two marble baths, efficeincy kitchen with washer, air-conditioning, one large bedroom and living room with balcony. Flat screen tv with satellite, on and off Internet reception but much more quiet than the other spot. At least I didn't feel the bass drum beat throbbing through me all night long. Minor noise was bearable at this point.

One observation: I still don't do noise well and that's why I chose to live in the country.

I'll tell you about the mobile phone debacle and the sissy Mary dog sitter who is quitting in another post.

God bless Turkey!

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The eagle has landed or... to have a coffee and nosh in Istanbul.

This is the way it's done here. Outdoor cafes are the norm, not the exception. Decompressing after 10 hour flight in Turkish Airlines new comfort class. Pretty nice overall but seats not built for sleeping. I managed to sleep about six hours and feel fine, especially sitting in this marvelous, vibrant city, but old Tripolina only caught a few winks.

Photo at Marmara Taxim Hotel, Kitchenette.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Woohoo! On my way to Ist or...

...what a long, strange trip it's been.

Tripolina and I made it to JFK tonight and we are now pulling out of the gate! Hooray! I can't wait! Clips for docu to follow.

Is Bullwinkle gonna be pissed or... to get the express breakfast.

The sun didn't break over the Orienta horizon yet. I tossed on a windbraker as I walked the yard first and then came back to let out good old Mr. Zazoo this morning. I went in to prepare ilili's food, then serve it while the coffee was brewing and the milk was warming in the micro. Ah, nice, hot, magnificent smelling coffee, first thing!

So I brought the coffee upstairs to the bath and was just about to take a sip when I glanced out the window to see Zazoo. I just like to look at him and admire his beauty.

But he wasn't near the humongous oak. I looked to the end of the yard. No Zazoo. Damn, dis he jump the brick wall this early? I sucked a long sip but didnt taste it and ran back down the stairs. I looked out the den window to see him sitting in an unnatural spot for him. His head was in an awkward position.
"Dammit!" he has something. I barked out orders to the sleeping Jewel and he followed me into the yard. He got the shovel and I turned on the hose. Zaz had a grey squirrel that he wasn't about to give it up easily. We chased him with the poor squirrel dangling out of his mouth, back to the house where the hose would reach him. I put my thumb on the nozzle to make the stream forceful and let him have it until he surrendered. He finally relented.

I told the Jewel to shovel up Rocky J. While I washed off Zaz's beard, ears and paws. Rocky joined the Wabbit from earlier this week apparently because the Jewel didn't look into the bin but said it reeked. the bin boys are gonna love me! Note to self: Big fat envelope.

Another note ro self: figure out how/why these animals must come into our garden when they know the "King of the Jungle" is on patrol. This thought might keep me busy on the long flight to Istanbul. Or will it? You be the judge.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

On the midnight train to Georgia or...I'm really on my way back to Istanbul!!!

I'm less than 48 hours away from touchdown in Old Stamboul.  Hooray!  Can't wait to get back.  I miss the diverse culture, the vibrancy of an electric, magical city, the delicious food and, of course, the hot men.

Aside from their physical beauty, they have an inner beauty, a glow I just fail to see in the American men. I believe it's due to the fact that they sold out to capitalism.  They're just into life for the money; they can't enjoy anything. Miserable sorts. And they eat crap. Anyway..

Tripolina's probably going to join me and we'll start the rough out for the documentary as I schlep through my adopted city and you'll get to see it through my eyes.  Not the top 10 tourist spots that every idiot puts on their show, but the real Istanbul.

And I can't wait to see all my friends; cherished ones, business ones, casual acquaintances, and all the new friends I'll make.  And my FHBHDKIY :)

Allah Akbar.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Are these varmints as dumb as they look or...

...are they exacting their revenge appropriately?

Case in point: Mr. Zazoo has killed copious amounts of non-domesticated critters this season in Orienta. He got another jack rabbit last night.

It had rained heavily all day. I asked the Jewel to contact Noah for the ark blueprints. He said the Nazi's got his Granddad Noah, so there wouldn't be any plans.

It let up around dinnertime, so I fed and marched Zaz. Good thing I wore me Wellies. We waded through streams that were once sidewalks. So it wasn't raining when we returned to the cottage and I left him in the garden. I went about some business in the house and glanced up to see what he doing at dusk. Usually he sits like the Spinx on his elbows in the hopes of a stupid squirrel or skunk walking into his domain. He was jumping around in the way that I knew meant trouble. He had something!

I ran out to see it was another big ol' jack rabbit and he wouldn't drop it. I grabbed the garden hose, put my thumb over the nozzle and let him have it. Mostly to wash his face and ears off and partly to force him to give up the poor dead bunny.

Worked like a charm and trotted him in.

I called Nazi Karl with a K, he promptly drove in the again pissing rain to drop said bunny in his final resting place. (the bin.)

Ok, so what's their revenge? Zazoo had tapeworms a couple of weeks ago and the vet said it was either from flea infestation or varmints. No sign of fleas. You do the math. So, who's the dumb one?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ilili's first book.

I'm ilili's Mama, too.  I just created her first photo book.

Zazoo made the local news or... you actually have to bite someone that smells like a French whore in the subway to get notoriety?

I showed the house Sunday. The real estate agent didn't listen to her client. Apparently he said "no stairs" because his ancient dad couldn't climb them. There are 4 sets altogether here. I was obviously annoyed that she wasted my time. I told them to wait in the entry hall while I collared Zaz and held him way into the garden but the man exclaimed,"we love dogs. No need.".

Against my better judgment, I didn't restrain him. When the man walked out, Zaz and silly ilili greeted him with tails a wagging. But when the old biddy came out he was pissed and barked. And barked. She must have tensed up and Zaz couldn't get a sense of what she was about because she reeked and nipped at her. I tried to get between them but the agent wasn't paying attention to me as I barked out commands. Good ol' Zaz was just doing his job trying to protect me from what he perceived as a mortal threat. Good doggy!

So the moral of the story is this: ladies, if you're brave enough to visit, please don't smell like a cheap French whore in the subway.

PS. Black Hawk's owner is more concerned that Zazoo will get cooties from her!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Pricker bushes strike again or...

...the reoccurring nightmare breathes again.

I told Dominick, my Papa, Friday night as I cut down pricker bushes that hung into the road from the bush across the street, that I clearly remember the nightmares removing them from Zazoo One all those years ago. He ran free in the Armonk woods and would occasionally, and way to often, return with these damn dried pricker flowers imbedded in his long dark fur. It took hours, sometimes all night to comb them out. Poor thing even had to have them clipped out professionally on a couple of occasions.

So I'd be damned if it happens now and I'm sooo careful with Zazoo Two that I made a pre-emotive strike and obliterated them from in front of the property.

So this morning, within 48 hours, silly ilili snuck under the fence and returned covered in prickers! She must have been stuck in the bush. The poor little girl was covered. Oh boy! Thank God she has fuzz and not a flowing coat. I combed them out and twenty minutes later she was good as new and loved the attention of a thorough combing. She's such a joy: so lovely, so light of heart and gay. What a blessing to have these wonderful dogs in my life!

Now ro go back out with shears and hunt down the nasty bush.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rabid forest animals attacking domestic pets or...

...are Mr. Zazoo and miss ilili safe in these here burbs?

Damn, child, I'm so glad when Zaz had the ah, altercation with the skunks, the trapper told me to get him to the good Dr. Vierra for a rabies booster.

I didn't actually see if Zaz pounced on them or they came up behind him and attacked him! Mercy.

Here's the story so please read if you're in the 'burbs.